Mineralogy of Silicates: Nesosilicates and SorosilicatesMineralogy of Silicates: Nesosilicates and Sorosilicates

Mineralogy Certification Course

Mineralogy of Silicates: Nesosilicates and Sorosilicates

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Silicates are the largest mineral class, making up over 90% of the Earth's crust and mantle. Statistically, you are more likely to encounter silicates in the field than any other mineral type. In this article, we will discuss the general crystallography and chemistry of silicates and then cover the first two silicate subclasses: nesosilicates and sorosilicates.
green zircon crystal - silicates
Green zircon crystal. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Introduction to Silicates

Silicates are the principal constituents of the Earth's crust and mantle. The majority of minerals that make up rocks are silicates, such as olivines, garnets, pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, feldspars, clay minerals, and quartzes. Therefore, it is essential for mineralogists to understand silicate minerals.

Silicate minerals are abundant in igneous rocks because silicon and oxygen are the most prevalent elements in the Earth's crust. Additionally, these minerals often contain other elements such as Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, and K.

There are more reasons to study silicates than just their abundance. Silicates comprise a significant part of the soil. They are widely used to produce modern construction materials like brick, cement, ceramic, and glass. Some silicates make useful thermal and electrical insulators, complex nano filters, and water treatment absorbers. Additionally, many gem-quality silicates are used in the jewelry industry.

Silicate minerals can be divided into six groups based on crystal chemistry. By learning the basic principles of silicate structures, we can understand what is happening inside these minerals just by looking at their chemical formulas.

Crystal Chemistry of Silicates

The crystal chemistry of silicates is very complex. A [SiO4]4- tetrahedron is the fundamental building block for all silicates. The tetrahedron comprises one silicon atom in the center and four oxygen atoms at the corners. You can imagine it as a triangular pyramid.


Various silicate mineral species result from the bonding of [SiO4]4- tetrahedrons with other tetrahedrons and cations. Mineralogists refer to silica tetrahedra combining with other "blocks" as polymerization, a term borrowed from organic chemistry. So, silicate subclasses are named according to how silicon tetrahedra are linked (polymerized).

Silicate Subclasses

There are six groups or subclasses of silicates based on the increasing polymerization of the Si-O complex (a synonym for the [SiO4]4- tetrahedron). Gradually adding [SiO4]4- tetrahedra will construct all the silicate subclasses. Each subclass's "building block" or unit is set in square brackets for clarity.


The easiest way to create a silicate is to combine isolated tetrahedrons with cations. In that case, [SiO4]4- tetrahedra stay isolated and do not touch each other. This group is called orthosilicates or nesosilicates (from the Greek nēsos for "island"). Sometimes, you may hear them referred to simply as "island silicates."


We can go further and put two [SiO4]4- tetrahedra together by connecting them via one corner. In that case, two tetrahedra share one oxygen atom. By calculating all atoms in this simple connection, we receive two atoms of silicon Si2 and seven atoms of oxygen O7. As a result, we have the typical structure for sorosilcates: [Si2O7]6-. Because only two tetrahedrons are connected, this silicate subclass is sometimes called "disilicates" or "butterfly silicates."


Let's look at more complex silicate structures. By joining three, four, or six tetrahedrons, we will get ring structures. Thus, this subgroup is called cyclosilicates or "ring silicates." The three-member ring will have a [Si3O9]6- structural unit, the four-member ring will have a [Si4O12]8- structural unit, and the most common six-member ring will have a [Si6O18]12- structural unit.


Imagine sorosilicates (pairs of tetrahedra) combined into one infinite chain. These are inosilicates, sometimes simply called "chain silicates." They are further subdivided into single chains with [Si2O6]4- units and double chains with [Si4O11]6-.


Combining double chains will create an infinite layer with [Si4O10]4- units. This subclass is sometimes called "sheet" or "layered silicates" but is more commonly called phyllosilicates (from the Greek phýllon for "leaf").


The last and most complex silicate structure, where [SiO4]4- tetrahedra connect over all their four corners, forms a three-dimensional framework. Thus, this subclass is called tectosilicates or "framework silicates" with a [SiO2]0 structural unit.

Silicates Summary

Here is a simple summary of the silicate mineral subclasses:

  • Nesosilicates: [SiO4]4-
  • Sorosilicates: [Si2O7]6-
  • Cyclosilicates: [Si6O18]12-
  • Inosilicates: [Si2O6]4- and [Si4O11]6-
  • Phyllosilicates: [Si4O10]4 or sometimes written as [Si2O5]2-
  • Tectosilicates: [SiO2]0

Tetrahedron configurations are negatively charged and, therefore, need to be balanced with positively charged cations to create a mineral. As a result, silicate mineral formulas contain many other elements. However, you can identify the silicate subclass by looking at the Si-O complex. This can provide hints about the mineral's structure and even some physical properties.

Introduction to Nesosilicates

In nesosilicates, each [SiO4]4- tetrahedron is isolated, meaning the oxygen corners are not shared with other [SiO4]4- tetrahedrons. Instead, the tetrahedra are connected with other cations like Mg+2, Fe+2, or Ca+2. The most common example of nesosilicates is olivine (Mg,Fe)2[SiO4].

A Closer Look at Chemical Formulas, Subclasses, and Isomorphism

Let's take the olivine formula as an example and try to understand what it tells us.

Olivine: (Mg,Fe)2[SiO4]

First, pay attention to the [SiO4] complex in square brackets. It indicates this mineral belongs to the nesosilicates subclass. Occasionally, the square brackets are replaced with round brackets or omitted entirely. However, for educational purposes, we will keep the square brackets in our articles.

The other part of the formula, (Mg,Fe), provides information about isomorphism, also known as isomorphous replacement. Isomorphism occurs in minerals when certain elements are replaced by another element of the same valency without changing the crystal structure of the mineral. (Note how isomorphism differs from both mineral polymorphism and pseudomorphism). Olivine is an example of such a mineral, where magnesium and iron are replaced by each other. This makes it a solid solution between forsterite Mg2[SiO4] and fayalite Fe2[SiO4]. Magnesium and iron have similar characteristics, so they can easily replace each other in a crystal structure. As a result, it isn't easy to find pure forsterite or pure fayalite in nature.

When you see elements in round brackets separated by a comma, it indicates possible isomorphic substitution in the mineral.

Garnets and Isomorphism

Garnet is a mineral group, not a single mineral species. The garnet group includes many mineral species, like pyrope and almandine.

Garnets have a complex composition due to the high possibility of isomorphic substitution of cations. The end members are known as series: pyrope-almandine-spessartite (pyralspite) and uvarovite-grossular-andradite (ugrandite). Because of various possible isomorphic substitutions, the garnet group formula is written as:


"A" stands for divalent cations Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Mn2+

"B" stands for trivalent cations Al3+, Fe3+, Cr3+

It is also correct to write the garnet group formula this way:


However, this version looks very complicated.

garnet chemical compositions - nesosilicates
Garnet chemical compositions. Image courtesy of Lina Jakaitė, Geologist, Vilnius University.

Other Nesosilicates

Other nesosilicates include phenakite (Be2[SiO4]), willemite (Zn2[SiO4]), sillimanite (Al2O[SiO4]), andalusite (Al2O[SiO4]), and many others.

Introduction to Sorosilicates

Sorosilicate structure is represented by two linked [SiO4]4- tetrahedrons isolated from all other tetrahedrons. Thus, the basic structural unit is [Si2O7]6-. A good example of a sorosilicate is the mineral hemimorphite (Zn4[Si2O7](OH) · H2O). Some sorosilicates combine single and double tetrahedrons, like in epidote (Ca2(Fe+3,Al)Al2[SiO4][Si2O7](OH)).

Diagnostic Characteristics of Nesosilicates and Sorosilicates

Below, you'll find diagnostic characteristics to differentiate and identify some of the most common nesosilicates and sorosilicates. Included here are some of the most ubiquitous and economically significant members. We emphasize how to differentiate them from minerals with very similar appearances. The best diagnostic characteristics are highlighted in bold.

Some shared properties of silicates are their elevated hardness (generally higher than 5), vitreous luster, high transparency, and white streak.

Nesosilicate Minerals

Structural unit: [SiO4]4−


Formula: (Mg,Fe)2[SiO4]

Forsterite: Mg2[SiO4]

Fayalite: Fe2[SiO4]

Olivine is easily recognizable due to its yellow-green color and granular occurrence. Olivine is typically found in granular aggregates in basalt rocks.

forsterite (peridot) - Pakistan
Forsterite crystals, Sapat Gali, Manshera, Naran-Kagan Valley, Kohistan District, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan, 4.8 x 4.3 x 3.2 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.

Distinguishing forsterite and fayalite is impossible without at least a density test. Regardless, they are considered olivines. Keep in mind that olivine is a mineral group, not a mineral species. Green, gem-quality olivines are known as peridots in the gem and jewelry world.

olivines (peridots) - silicates
Peridots (green, gem-quality olivines). Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyOlivine characteristics
colorForsterite: green, yellowish, lemon-yellow, white, grayish, blue-gray; Fayalite: greenish yellow, yellow-brown, brown
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
hardnessForsterite: 7; Fayalite: 6.5-7
densityForsterite: 3.3 g/cm3; Fayalite: 4.4 /cm3
crystal systemorthorhombic
crystal morphologyeuhedral or subhedralcrystals, typically thick, with striations parallel to elongation, with wedge-shaped terminations; commonly granular, compact, or massive


Formula: Zr[SiO4]

Zircon typically occurs in tabular to prismatic crystals and in brownish colors. It also has high density, so it feels heavier than many other silicates. Another characteristic of zircon is its luminescence in pale yellow to vivid orange colors.

zircons - silicates
Zircon crystals and faceted gemstones, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyZircon characteristics
colorreddish brown, yellow, green, blue, gray, colorless
lustervitreous to adamantine; greasy when metamict
diaphaneitytransparent to opaque
density4.6-4.7 g/cm3
crystal systemtetragonal
crystal morphologymost commonly as tabular to prismatic crystals, with square cross sections; as irregular grains, massive.
luminescence (reaction to UV)may fluoresce under UV


Formula: Al2[SiO4](F,OH)2

Distinguishing topaz from citrine (quartz) and aquamarine (beryl) can sometimes be challenging. Topaz's outstanding features are hardness (8 on the Mohs scale) and perfect basal cleavage. You can sometimes see this as flat bottoms on crystals. Though they may look faceted, no one has cut them. They are visible cleavage planes. However, these features aren't always observable in every crystal specimen.

One way to distinguish topaz from similarly colored quartz is to example the prism crystal faces of a specimen. Topaz faces are generally vertically striated, while quartz faces are striated perpendicularly to elongation. Observing crystal faces will also help distinguish topaz from aquamarine. Topaz has an orthorhombic crystal structure, so its prism form will be flattened in cross-section. Aquamarine has a hexagonal crystal structure, so its prism form will have a distinctive hexagonal shape.

The faint vertical striations on this transparent topaz crystal are most visible when it's turned. Sakhan-gyi, Kyauk-pyat-that Zone, Mandalay Region, Myanmar, 5.0 x 4.2 x 2.7 cm. Video © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
Mineral propertyTopaz characteristics
colorcolorless, yellow, pink, red, orange, brown, green, blue, violet
diaphaneitytransparent to opaque with inclusions
streakcolorless, as it is harder than a streak plate
density3.5-3.6 g/cm3
crystal systemorthorhombic
crystal morphologywell-formed crystals are common, typically morphologically complex, long to short prismatic
striationprism faces are commonly vertically striated
cleavage{001} perfect


Formula: Al2O[SiO4], or Al2[Si2O5]

Identifying kyanite usually isn't difficult. Kyanite is known for its bladed, elongated crystal forms, perfect cleavage, and blue coloration. Another outstanding feature of kyanite is its anisotropic hardness. One crystal can have two different hardness values. Kyanite is softer (5-5.5) if you scratch it along its crystal elongation but harder (7) if you scratch it perpendicular to its crystal elongation.

  • kyanite scratch testing
  • kyanite scratch testing

    When scratch tested along its crystal elongation, kyanite has a hardness of 5-5.5. However, when scratched by the same tool across its crystal elongation, the same kyanite crystal resists scratching. Photos © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

    Mineral propertyKyanite characteristics
    colorblue, white, rarely green, gray, yellow, pink, black, can be zoned
    lustervitreous to pearly
    diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
    hardness5.5 parallel to elongation;7 perpendicular to elongation
    density3.6-3.7 g/cm3
    crystal systemtriclinic
    crystal morphologycrystals bladed and tabular, elongated; typically bent or twisted
    cleavageperfect on {100}


    Formula: Fe2+2Al9O6[SiO4]4(O,OH)2

    Staurolite is known for its brownish colors and cruciform twinning at 60o or 90o.

    staurolite crystals - Russia - silicates
    Twinned staurolite crystals, Semiostrovye, Keivy, Kola Peninsula, Russia, 2.1 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, mineralauctions.com. Used with permission.
    Mineral propertyStaurolite characteristics
    colordark reddish brown to blackish brown, yellowish brown, rarely blue
    lustersubvitreous to resinous
    diaphaneitytransparent to opaque
    streakwhite to grayish
    density3.7-3.8 g/cm3
    crystal systemmonoclinic
    crystal morphologycommonly in prismatic crystals exhibiting
    twinningcommonly as 60o twins, less commonly as90ocruciform twins


    Formula: CaTi[SiO4](O,OH,F)

    Titanite (also known as sphene in gemology) commonly occurs in yellow-green or brown colors and has a very high adamantine luster. Wedge-shaped crystal forms usually help distinguish titanite from staurolite, sphalerite, and olivine. Titanite is softer than staurolite (5-5.5 compared to 7-7.5). However, titanite is harder than sphalerite (3.5-4).

    titanite (sphene)
    Titanite (sphene) crystals and faceted pieces, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
    Mineral propertyTitanite characteristics
    colorblack, brown, gray, colorless, green, yellow, red
    lusteradamantine to resinous
    diaphaneitytransparent to opaque
    density3.5-3.6 g/cm3
    crystal systemmonoclinic
    crystal morphologycrystals wedge-shaped, flattened or prismatic

    Garnet Group

    Formula: A3B2[SiO4]3

    You can usually easily distinguish garnets from other minerals due to their crystal forms, which are typically sub-euhedral to euhedral, showing dodecahedral or trapezohedral shapes. Garnets form in the cubic system, so their crystals are isometric, never elongated.

    Differentiating between garnet mineral species can be difficult. You will need to examine a combination of colors, refractive index, and absorption spectrum. Uvarovite is perhaps the most unique species of the garnet group, since it forms as a cluster of tiny crystals rarely more than half a centimeter wide.

    Below, you'll find the most common representatives of the garnet group and the end-members of pyrope-almandine-spessartite (pyralspite) series and uvarovite-grossular-andradite (ugrandite) series.

    Remember, these minerals are all representatives of a single group, so many of their physical properties are almost identical. By comparing the characteristics of various garnet species, you can see how slight variations in chemical composition can influence color, hardness, and density, even though their crystal system and morphology stay the same.

    Pyralspite Series

    Formula: Mg3Al2[SiO4]3

    rhodolite (pyrope-almandine garnet) - Kenya
    Rhodolite crystals (a variety of pyrope-almandine garnet), Lokirima, Lodwar, Turkana District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya, 7.95 and 6.96 cts. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
    Mineral propertyPyrope characteristics
    colorpurple-red, pinkish red, red-orange, deep red to almost black
    diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
    density3.6 g/cm3
    crystal systemcubic
    crystal morphologysubhedral to euhedral crystals, showing the dodecahedron or trapezohedral forms

    Formula: Fe2+3Al2[SiO4]3

    almandine - Norway
    Deep maroon almandine crystal on granitic matrix, Kjopsvik, Tysfjord, Nordland, Norway, 6.2 x 4.4 x 1.5 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
    Mineral propertyAlmandine characteristics
    colordeep red, brownish red, red-violet, black
    lustervitreous to resinous
    diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
    density4.3 g/cm3
    crystal systemcubic
    crystal morphologytypically well-formed dodecahedra or trapezohedra

    Formula: Mn2+3Al2[SiO4]3

    spessartites - nesosilicates
    Spessartite garnets, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
    Mineral propertySpessartite characteristics
    colorred, reddish orange, yellow, yellowish brown, reddish brown, brown, black
    diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
    density4.3 g/cm3
    crystal systemcubic
    crystal morphologycommonly as euhedral crystals, dodecahedra, or trapezohedra, or in combination with other cubic forms
    Ugrandite Series

    Formula: Ca3Fe3+2[SiO4]3

    demantoid garnets - Madagascar
    Demantoid crystals (a variety of andradite garnet) on a matrix also composed of garnet, Antetezambato, Ambanja, Ambanja District, Diana Region, Antsiranana Province, Madagascar, 13.0 x 13.0 x 3.0 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
    Mineral propertyAndradite characteristics
    coloryellow, greenish yellow to emerald-green, dark green; brown, brownish red, brownish yellow
    lusteradamantine to resinous, dull
    diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
    density3.8-3.9 g/cm3
    crystal systemcubic
    crystal morphologyCommonly well-crystallized dodecahedra, trapezohedra, or combinations

    Formula: Ca3Al2[SiO4]3

    tsavorite - Tanzania - nesosilicates
    Tsavorite crystals (a variety of grossular garnet), Merelani Hills, Lelatema Mtns., Simanjiro Dist., Manyara Region, Tanzania, 2.0 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
    Mineral propertyGrossular characteristics
    coloryellow-green, pale to dark green; golden yellow, pink, red, orange, brownish red, yellowish brown; colorless, white, gray, black
    lustervitreous to resinous
    diaphaneitytransparent to opaque
    density3.6 g/cm3
    crystal systemcubic
    crystal morphologycommonly in dodecahedra or trapezohedra

    Formula: Ca3Cr2[SiO4]3

    uvarovite - Finland - silicates
    Uvarovites on matrix, Outokumpu mine, Outokumpu, North Karelia, Finland, 7.0 x 5.6 x 2.8 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
    Mineral propertyUvarovite characteristics
    coloremerald-green to dark green
    diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
    density3.8 g/cm3
    crystal systemcubic
    crystal morphologycommonly as euhedral crystals, dodecahedra, or trapezohedra, or in combination with other cubic forms, to 4.5 cm. Fine or coarse granular, compact, or massive.

    Sorosilicate Minerals

    Structural unit: [Si2O7]6-


    Formula: Ca2(Fe3+,Al)Al2O[SiO4][Si2O7](OH)

    Epidote has greenish colors and perfect cleavage. It occurs in prismatic crystals and commonly forms in groups, which create fibrous aggregates with a dark-green color.

    epidote crystals - Peru - silicates
    Green-yellow epidote crystals with white quartz crystals, San Felipe Mountain, Tablacucho, Cascas, Gran Chimu Prov., La Libertad, Peru, 9.8 x 6.2 x 4.2 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
    Mineral propertyEpidote characteristics
    colorpistachio green to pale green, yellow, yellowish green, greenish yellow, greenish black
    lustervitreous, pearly, somewhat resinous
    diaphaneitytransparent to nearly opaque
    streakwhite to gray
    density3.4-3.5 g/cm3
    crystal systemmonoclinic
    crystal morphologycrystals prismatic, commonlyelongated and striated;fibrous, coarse to fine granular, massive
    cleavageperfect on {001}


    Formula: Ca2Al3O[SiO4][Si2O7](OH)

    Zoisite may be difficult to identify because it occurs in various colors and forms. However, most crystals are usually greenish brown. Crystals usually have a "chisel shape" and show heavy striation on their faces. Zoisites also have strong pleochroism, showing different colors when viewed from different sides.

    Pleochroic tanzanite. Video © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

    Mineral and gem enthusiasts usually look for zoisite in two different forms. The first is as a green-colored aggregate associated with hornblende and corundum. This is commonly known as "ruby-in-zoisite." The second one is tanzanite, a very popular blue-purple color variety of zoisite. Gem dealers sometimes call gem-quality zoisites with other colors besides blue or purple "fancy colored tanzanites." However, the name tanzanite should be reserved for zoisites with blue-purple color only.

    rough and cut tanzanites - silicates
    Rough and cut tanzanite (zoisite). Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
    Mineral propertyZoisite characteristics
    colorwhite, gray, greenish brown, greenish gray, pink, blue, purple
    lustervitreous, pearly on cleavage
    diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
    streakwhite or colorless
    density3.2-3.4 g/cm3
    crystal systemorthorhombic
    crystal morphologycrystals prismatic, typically deeply striated and poorly terminated
    cleavageperfect on {010}
    pleochroismstrong X = pale pink to red-violet; Y = nearly colorless to bright pink or deep blue; Z = pale yellow to yellow-green


    Formula: Ca10(Mg,Fe)2Al4[SiO4]5[Si2O7]2(OH)4

    Distinguishing vesuvianite from other minerals may prove difficult. Vesuvianite is well-known for yellow-green colors, similar to those of olivine group minerals. However, vesuvianite can also occur in brown, black, emerald-green, and even violet colors. Examine the crystal shape of potential vivianite specimens. Short columnar crystals in the form of aggregates are characteristic of vesuvianite.

    vesuvianite - Pakistan - silicates
    "Root beer-colored" prisms of vesuvianite, Alchuri, Shigar Valley, Skardu District, Baltistan, Northern Areas, Pakistan, 4.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
    Mineral propertyVesuvianite characteristics
    coloryellow, green, brown; colorless to white, blue, violet, bluish green, pink, red, black, commonly zoned
    lustervitreous to resinous
    diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
    density3.3-3.4 g/cm3
    crystal systemtetragonal
    crystal morphologycommonly as short pyramidal to long prismatic crystals; morphologically complex, with up to 30 forms reported on one crystal; columnar, granular, massive

    References for Silicates

    • Anthony, J. W., Bideaux,R. A., Bladh, K. W., & Nichols, M C. (2001). Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, USA. http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/.
    • Armbruster, T., Bonazzi, P., Akasaka, M., Bermanec, V., Chopin, C., Gieré, R., … & Pasero, M. (2006). Recommended nomenclature of epidote-group minerals. European Journal of Mineralogy, 18(5), 551-567. link
    • Baxter, E. F., Caddick, M. J., Ague, J. J. (2013). Garnet: common mineral, uncommonly useful. Elements 9:415-419 link
    • Klein, C., & Dutrow, B. (2007). Manual of mineral science. John Wiley & Sons, 704 p.
    • Novak, G. A., & Gibbs, G. V. (1971). The crystal chemistry of the silicate garnets. American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials, 56(5-6), 791-825. link
    • Papike, J. J. (1987). Chemistry of the rock‐forming silicates: Ortho, ring, and single‐chain structures. Reviews of Geophysics, 25(7), 1483-1526. link
    • Ribbe, P. H., & Gibbs, G. V. (1971). The crystal structure of topaz and its relation to physical properties. American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials, 56(1-2), 24-30.
    • Strunz, H., & Nickel, E. H .(2001). Strunz mineralogical tables. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. 869 p.

    Olena Rybnikova, PhD

    Olena Rybnikova is a gemologist and mineralogist. She has a PhD in mineralogy and petrology specializing in beryllium minerals and is a certified Applied Jewelry Professional accredited by the Gemological Institute of America. Her passion is actively promoting knowledge and appreciation of nature, geology, and gemstones.

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