Mineralogy of Phyllosilicates and TectosilicatesMineralogy of Phyllosilicates and Tectosilicates

Mineralogy Certification Course

Mineralogy of Phyllosilicates and Tectosilicates

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In this article, we will discuss phyllosilicates and tectosilicates. These silicate subclasses include minerals crucial for technology and construction. The feldspar mineral family, members of the tectosilicate subclass, also plays an important role in rock classification.
antigorite (serpentine) - New York - phyllosilicates
Antigorite (serpentine) crystals, Tilly Foster Iron Mine, Putnam Co., New York, USA, 6.8 x 4.4 x 2.7 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission

Crystal Chemistry of Phyllosilicates and Tectosilicates

Phyllosilicates and tectosilicates are comprised of numerous mineral groups and important mineral species. The most well-known phyllosilicates are talc, micas, serpentines, and clays. Tectosilicates include quartz and numerous quartz modifications, as well as the extensive feldspar family, feldspathoids, and zeolites.

Introduction to Phyllosilicates

Most rock-forming phyllosilicates are made up of infinite two-dimensional layers. Phyllosilicates are sometimes called "sheet" or "layered silicates" in reference to their layered structure and their sheet or scale-like mineral forms. The structural unit of phyllosilicates is [Si4O10]4- (sometimes written as [Si2O5]2- — as the structural unit divided by 2).

Phyllosilicate sheets or layers are not identical within one mineral. Rather, they alternate between layers of octahedral and tetrahedral atomic structure. As a result, phyllosilicates are further subdivided into:

  • 1-layer silicates, where all layers are similar (for example, apophyllite (KCa4[Si4O10]2(F,OH)2⋅8H2O))
  • 2-layer silicates (for example, kaolinite (Al4[Si4O10](OH)8))
  • 3-layer silicates (for example, talc (Mg3[Si4O10](OH)2))
apophyllite - India - phyllosilicates
Apophyllite crystals with celadonite inclusions on matrix, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India, 5.2 x 4.8 x 4.7 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.

Phyllosilicates and Polytypes

Many phyllosilicates have several polytypes for one mineral species. Polytypes are minerals of the same species with the same chemical composition but difference crystal structures. For example, you may see pyrophyllite written pyrophyllite-2M, which stands for a monoclinic (2M) polytype, or pyrophyllite-TC, which stands for a triclinic (TC) polytype. (Note how polytypes differ from polymorphs, which are different mineral species with the same formula but different crystal structures). X-ray diffraction testing is required to distinguish between polytypes.

Pyrophyllite-Talc Group

The pyrophyllite-talc group consists of two members: pyrophyllite (Al2Si4O10(OH)2) and talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2). Ground talc, also known as talcum, is a material widely used in cosmetic products, from baby powder to blush. Talc is also well-known as the softest mineral on the Mohs scale. It has a hardness of 1.

Mica Group

Per Rieder et al. (1998), the general formula of the mica group is

IM2-31-0[T4O10]A2, with

  • I commonly K+, Na+, Ca2+ NH4, Rb, Ba, Cs
  • M commonly Al3+, Mg2+, Fe3+, Fe2+, Li, Ti, Mn, Cr, V, Zn
  • ☐ is vacancy
  • T commonly Si4+, AI3+, Fe3+, Ti, Be, B
  • A commonly F, OH, O, Cl, S

(The most frequently encountered elements are set in boldface).

Micas are also divided into:

  • true micas
  • brittle micas, and
  • interlayer-deficient micas (former hydromicas)

Some mica minerals are too rare and tiny to differentiate with the naked eye alone.

phlogopite - phyllosilicates
Phlogopite crystals, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

To understand the logic of mica nomenclature, review the following list of true micas with end-member formulas according to Rieder et al. (1998). You can see the most common cations and their distribution.

True Micas
Brittle Micas

The following table lists brittle micas with end-member formulas.

Mica Series Names

You may wonder why popular micas like biotite and lepidolite are absent from the previous tables. They are absent because they are not end-members. Rather, they are series names used to emphasize particular chemical compositions.

Biotite stands for tri-octahedral micas between or close to the annite-phlogopite and siderophyllite-eastonite series. The term refers to dark-colored micas without lithium.

Lepidolite is a tri-octahedral mica close to the trilithionite-polylithionite composition. The term refers to light-colored micas with substantial lithium.

Zinnwaldite is a tri-octahedral mica close to the siderophyllite-polylithionite series. The term refers to dark-colored micas containing lithium.

Serpentine Group

The most common serpentine group minerals are three structural varieties of Mg6[Si4O10](OH)8: lizardite, antigorite, and chrysotile. (Faust & Fahey, 1962)

The general serpentine formula can be written asA3[X2O5](OH)4. The formulas of other serpentine subgroup members are listed in the table below, simplified after White & Dixon (2002).


Clay Minerals

Clay has been used to make earthenware for millennia due to its malleability. However, it may surprise some people to learn that clay is composed of tiny, fine-grained minerals. These minerals and their unique properties have been studied and applied in various fields, such as construction, soil enhancement, geochemistry, pharmaceuticals, water purification, animal care, the oil industry, and many others. Clay mineralogy focuses on understanding and utilizing these properties.

The unique properties of clay minerals stem from their intricate crystal structure. Phyllosilicates or "sheet silicates" are composed of layers that differ from one another, which produce repetitive unit structures that resemble sandwiches. Water molecules can occupy the spaces between these layers or "inter-layers." Clay minerals have the ability to take in and release H2O molecules, as well as adsorb and exchange ions. This ability allows soils to store water and temporarily adsorb and supply nutrients. Some clay minerals can expand and contract, which explains the plasticity of certain clays and their diverse applications. Kaolinite, montmorillonite, and vermiculite are the most widely used clay minerals in our daily life.

Because of the small grain sizes of clay minerals, determining their exact species requires X-ray diffraction testing.

Main Clay Mineral Groups

The following table lists the main clay mineral groups with their most common and important representatives, after Bailey (1980).

GroupExample of the most common speciesFormula






VermiculiteDioctahedral vermiculite Trioctahedral vermiculiteMg0.7(Mg,Fe3+,Al)6(Si,Al)8O20(OH)4·8H2O



Introduction to Tectosilicates

In tectosilicates, [SiO4]4- tetrahedra connect at all their four corners, forming three-dimensional structures. As a result, tectosilicates are sometimes called "framework silicates" with a [SiO2]0 structural unit.

Quartz and Its Polymorphs

Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals in the Earth's crust. Although common, quartz occurs in many colors and can make beautiful gemstones.

Quartz has many polymorphs. There is one called α-quartz, a stable SiO2 polymorph at 1 bar pressure and up to 573 C. Other quartz polymorphs include low-pressure varieties (tridymite and cristobalite), high-pressure varieties (coesite, stishovite, and seifertite), and even amorphous varieties like opal that have no crystal structure.

α-quartz also has its own varieties. There are quartzes in well-known crystal forms and various colors, like classical amethyst — a purple quartz — and citrine — a yellow quartz. There are also micro to cryptocrystalline α-quartz varieties like chalcedony, carnelian, agate, and onyx, as well as granular varieties like aventurine, jasper, and chert. Please see our quartz gem listing for more information.

rough and cut quartz
Rough and cut specimens of rock crystal, amethyst, citrine, and smoky quartz varieties. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Feldspar Family

Feldspars are the most abundant mineral group in the Earth's crust (with a proportion of more than 50 vol%). Feldspar minerals are part of the makeup of granite. Feldspar consists of two solid solution branches:

  • Alkali feldspar is a solid solution between orthoclase, (Or) KAlSi3O8, and albite, (Ab) NaAlSi3O8
  • Plagioclase is a solid solution between albite, (Ab) NaAlSi3O8, and anorthite, (An) CaAl2Si2O8
Alkali and Plagioclase Feldspars

Alkali feldspars are characterized by simply substituting K+ with Na+ from orthoclase KAlSi3O8 to anorthite NaAlSi3O8. They occur with two modifications: monoclinic sanidine ((K,Na)[AlSi3O8]) and triclinic microcline (K[AlSi3O8]). Sanidine is stable at the highest temperatures and microcline at the lowest. (Brown & Parsons, 1989)

In plagioclase, a substitution of Na1+ by Ca2+ must be accompanied by a substitution of Si4+ by Al3+ to compensate for the charge balance (coupled substitution Na1+ + Si4+ ⇋ Ca2+ + Al3+). Usually, plagioclase representation is given in amount (per cent) of anorthite (or Ca part) in a mineral. For example:

  • Albite: An0-An10 pure and almost pure NaAlSi3O8. An10 means up to 10% of anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8)
  • Oligoclase: An10-An30
  • Andesine: An30-An50
  • Labradorite: An50-An70
  • Bytownite: An70-An90
  • Anorthite: An90-An100

Exsolution, a process through which an initially homogeneous solid solution separates into at least two different crystalline minerals, results in submicroscopic lamellar (layer-like) inter-growth in plagioclases. Depending on the thickness of the lamellae, they may create a phenomenal effect between blue (An48-52) and red (An55-59) known as labradorescence.

anorthite with labradorescence - Ukraine
Anorthite (plaglioclase feldspar) in situ displaying labradorescence, Korosten Pluton, Ukrainian Shield, Ukraine. (Coin in 24 mm in diameter). Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Feldspathoid Minerals

Feldspathoids or foids are poor in SiO2 and, therefore, cannot coexist with quartz. (In a SiO2-saturated system, feldspar would form instead of feldspathoids). Thus, feldspathoids occur only in SiO2-poor rocks, commonly of an alkaline composition.

The following table lists the most common feldspathoids, simplified after Merlino (1984) and Deer et al. (2013).

FeldspathoidsMineral nameFormula



Sodalite GroupSodaliteNa8[Al6Si6O24]Cl2




Do you know that gemstones like lapis lazuli, a combination of lazurite, sodalite, and haüyne, are classified as feldspathoids? Lazurite's formula indicates it forms in an environment rich in sulfur but deficient in oxygen, so the association with pyrite (FeS2) becomes clear. Moreover, since feldspathoids cannot coexist with quartz, this makes another mineral association, lazurite-calcite (CaCO3), possible.

lapis lazuli
Lapis lazuli stones. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Scapolite Group

Scapolite is widely used as a gemstone. However, similar to olivine (forsterite-fayalite series), scapolite is actually a solid solution series between marialite (Na4[AlSi3O8]3Cl) and meionite (Ca4[Al2Si2O8]3CO3).

faceted scapolite gemstone
Although not well-known by gem buyers, faceted scapolites can make beautiful gemstones. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Zeolite Family

Versatile industrial minerals, zeolites are tectosilicates with remarkably spacious crystal structures. These structures form large cavities or channels, which, due to their loose bindings, have a high ion exchange capacity. These channels also house H2O molecules, adding to the unique properties of zeolites.

Thanks to their crystal structures, both natural and synthetic zeolites serve as efficient ion exchangers. For instance, zeolites can effectively extract Ca2+ ions from water of high hardness by exchanging them with their own Na+ ions. This process is also reversible. In modern times, synthetic zeolites are used for water treatment.

Zeolites can incorporate foreign atoms or molecules up to a specific particle size. This makes them useful as molecular sieves. They are often used for fractionated purification of gases or gas mixtures, particularly noble gases. One important application of zeolites is the efficient removal of fission products from nuclear waste. They are also used to produce detergents, asphalt concrete, Portland cement, and solar thermal collectors. Volcanic tuffs that contain zeolites are widely used in the building industry due to their favorable properties, such as high thermal insulation capacity.

Significant Zeolite Species

There are about 100 recognized species of zeolites. The following table includes the most significant species, according to Deer et al. (2013):

galactite (natrolite)
Acicular crystals of "galactite," a variety of natrolite (zeolite) on a prehnite matrix, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Diagnostic Characteristics of Phyllosilicates and Tectosilicates

Below, you'll find diagnostic characteristics to differentiate and identify some of the most common phyllosilicates and tectosilicates. Included here are some of the most ubiquitous and economically significant members. We emphasize how to differentiate them from minerals with very similar appearances. The best diagnostic characteristics are highlighted in bold.

Some common properties of phyllosilicates are their low hardness (no more than 4; 2.5 is the most common), perfect cleavage, and scaly aggregate forms. On the other hand, tectosilicates are far harder (more than 5) and have prismatic crystal forms.

Tenacity is also an important characteristic for identifying micas. Therefore, we include it in the list of properties for phyllosilicates.



Formula: Mg3[Si4O10](OH)2

Talc is easily recognized due to its low hardness. It is the reference mineral for a hardness of 1 on the Mohs scale. Talc commonly occurs in fibrous and fine-grained, compact aggregates. One of talc's most distinguishing features is its greasy feel. Thus, it is sometimes called soapstone.

talc specimens - phyllosilicates
Talc specimens, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyTalccharacteristics
colorlight to dark green, brown, white
lusterpearly, greasy, dull
density2.58-2.83 g/cm3
crystal systemtriclinic or monoclinic
crystal morphologyplaty, pseudotrigonal pyramids; fibrous, fine-grained, compact, massive.
cleavageperfect on [001]
tenacitysectile; flexible but not elastic


Formula: KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2

Muscovite is one of the most important micas. It is widely distributed in many metamorphic and igneous rocks. Usually called "white mica," muscovite occurs mainly in white, gray, or yellow color with light saturation. Perfect cleavage is a characteristic feature of muscovite, as it is for other micas. Muscovite can form pseudohexagonal crystals. Very fine-grained muscovite is known as sericite and resembles glitter.

muscovite - phyllosilicates
Muscovite, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyMuscovite characteristics
colorcolorless, gray, brown, green, yellow, rose-red
lustervitreous to pearly or silky
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
hardness2-2.5 parallel to (001), 3.5 perpendicular to (001)
density2.77-2.88 g/cm3
crystal systemmonoclinic
crystal morphologytabular to columnar, pseudohexagonal, or diamond-shaped;foliated or scaly aggregates, granular, compact massive
cleavageperfect on [001]
tenacityflexible and elastic


Formula: K(Mg,Fe2+,Al,Fe3+)3[Al(Si,Al)3O10](OH,F)2

Since differentiating between mica members with the naked eye is impossible, the term "biotite" is used for dark-colored micas. Biotite's characteristic features (like those of other micas) are perfect cleavage and scaly aggregate forms. Dark brown colors indicate biotite.

biotite slabs - phyllosilicates
Biotite slabs, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyBiotite characteristics
colordark green, brown, black, reddish brown, light yellow, grayish yellow, brownish green, brown
lustersplendent to submetallic, vitreous, pearly on cleavage
density2.7-3.3 g/cm3
crystal systemmonoclinic
crystal morphologytabular or short prismatic, with pseudohexagonal outline; scaly aggregates or disseminated grains
cleavageperfect on [001]
tenacityflexible and elastic


Formula: K(Li,Al)3[(Si,Al)4O10](F,OH)2

Lepidolite occurs in pink and purple colors that distinguish it readily from other micas. Perfect cleavage and fine scaly aggregate forms help distinguish it from many other light pink or purple minerals.

lepidolite - phyllosilicates
Lepidolite crystals. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyLepidolite characteristics
colorpink, purple, rose-red, violet-gray, yellowish, white, colorless
lusterpearly to vitreous
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density2.8-2.9 g/cm3
crystal systemmonoclinic
crystal morphologytabular to prismatic pseudohexagonal crystals, commonly with rounded terminal faces;coarse to fine scaly aggregates, massive
cleavageperfect on [001]
tenacityflexible and elastic

Chlorite Series

Formula: Mg5Al[AlSi3O10](OH)8 - Fe2+5Al[AlSi3O10](OH)8

Chlorite is a common name for a solid solution series of clinochlore-chamosite, which are indistinguishable to the naked eye. Chlorite usually shows green colors and forms as foliated, fibrous masses. Compared to micas, it is less likely to form as well-developed crystals. When chlorite crystals do form, they are flexible but less elastic than micas.

chlorite crystals - Austria - phyllosilicates
Tiny, dark olive-green chlorite and yellow-green titanite crystals on a gneiss matrix, Scheiblinggraben, Bad Gastein, Pongau Dist., Salzburg, Austria, 14.7 x 10.5 x 6.5 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, mineralauctions.com. Used with permission.
Mineral propertyChlorite characteristics
colorgrassy green, olive-green, yellowish, white
lusterpearly, greasy, dull
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
streakgreenish white to white
density2.60-3.02 g/cm3
crystal systemmonoclinic
crystal morphologythin to thick pseudohexagonal crystals with tapering pyramidal faces; commonly foliated, fibrous, granular, earthy, massive
cleavageperfect on [001]
tenacitylaminae flexible, inelastic

Lizardite, Antigorite, and Chrysotile

Formula: Mg6[Si4O10](OH)8

Lizardite, antigorite, and chrysotile are three important mineral representatives of the serpentine group. They share identical chemical compositions but have different crystal structures that can only be identified by X-ray diffraction testing. These minerals usually have white and pale green colors and occur as fibrous aggregates. They look like fiber. Like fiber, serpentine minerals can easily bend, a quality that distinguishes them from many other minerals.

chrysotile - phyllosilicates
Chrysotile, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertySerpentine minerals characteristics
colorwhite, pale green to dark green
lustersilky in fibrous aggregates
streakwhite, greenish-white
density2.53 g/cm3
crystal systemLizardite: monoclinic, trigonal or hexagonal; Antigorite: monoclinic; Chrysotile: monoclinic or orthorhombic
crystal morphologyasbestiform, fibrous along, curled to cylindrical
tenacitycrystals are easily bent


Formula: Al4[Si4O10](OH)8

Kaolinite mainly occurs in compact, earthy, claylike masses of white color. Its crystals are indistinguishable, so low hardness, earthy masses, and opaque white colors help distinguish kaolinite.

kaolinite - Georgia - phyllosilicates
Kaolinite (Cretaceous; Twiggs County, Georgia, USA). Photo by James St. John. Licensed under CC By 2.0.
Mineral propertyKaolinite characteristics
colorwhite to tan, may be variously colored by impurities
lusterpearly to dull earthy
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent as single crystals;opaque as clay mass
density2.61-2.68 g/cm3
crystal systemtriclinic
crystal morphologyrarely as crystals; commonly as microscopic pseudohexagonal plates and clusters of plates, aggregated into compact, claylike masses
cleavageperfect on [001]
tenacityflexible but inelastic



Formula: SiO2

Quartz can vary in color from colorless to yellow, pink, green, violet, brown, and black. Quartz can also appear zoned or mottled. It can occur in perfectly formed crystals up to several meters long as well as in microcrystalline aggregates. This wide variation has lead to the division of quartz in numerous varieties. The most popular varieties are amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, agate, and carnelian. There are many more less well-known.

Because of this great variety, quartz can resemble many minerals. However, the properties most useful for distinguishing quartz are its hardness (7), prismatic crystal morphology, and perpendicular striations on its crystal faces.

quartz crystals
Quartz crystals. (Note the striations perpendicular to crystal elongation, particularly on the brown crystal). Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyQuartz characteristics
colorcolorless, white;from chemical or particulate inclusions rose-pink to rose-red, yellow to yellowish brown, green, blue, blueish violet, brown to black;zoned or mottled
lustervitreous; waxy to dull when massive
diaphaneitytransparent to nearly opaque
density2.65 g/cm3
crystal systemhexagonal
crystal morphologyprismatic crystals, striated perpendicular to elongation; may be morphologically complex; pseudocubic or dipyramidal to tapering, needlelike, with trigonal outline; druzy, fine-grained to microcrystalline (chalcedony), massive


Formula: KAlSi3O8

Microcline occurs most commonly in pale yellow, orange, and pink colors. However, they can also occur in white, so it is hard to distinguish microcline from plagioclase in these cases. Green feldspar is almost 100% microcline. In rare cases, banded perthitic inter-growths from exsolution (cross-hatched or tartan twinning patterns) will help distinguish microcline from plagioclase.

amazonite - microcline
"Amazonite," a variety of microcline, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyMicrocline characteristics
colorwhite, pale cream-yellow;red, green, blue
lustervitreous, pearly on cleavage
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density2.54-2.57 g/cm3
crystal systemtriclinic
crystal morphologyprismatic crystals; cleavable to granular, massive. commonly exhibits banded perthitic inter-growths from exsolution of albite
cleavageperfect on [001] and [010], intersecting at 90o

Plagioclase Series

The plagioclase series is a solid solution between albite and anorthite and consists of six members: albite, oligoclase, andesine, labradorite, bytownite, and anorthite. Differentiating these members requires a chemical analysis. Below, we will describe the first and the last members of the plagioclase series, as the differences between albite and anorthite are most notable. Albite crystals are commonly tabular, while anorthite crystals are short and lamellar. Anorthite also has a higher density and less distinct cleavage than albite.

albite crystals
Albite crystals, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Formula: Na[AlSi3O8]

Mineral propertyAlbite characteristics
colorwhite to gray, blueish, greenish, reddish;may be chatoyant
lustervitreous, typically pearly on cleavages.
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density2.60-2.65 g/cm3
crystal systemtriclinic
crystal morphologycommonly tabular; divergent aggregates, granular, cleavable massive
cleavageperfect on [001], very good on [010]

Formula: Ca[Al2Si2O8]

Mineral propertyAnorthite characteristics
colorwhite, grayish, reddish
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density2.74-2.76 g/cm3
crystal systemtriclinic
crystal morphologycommonly short;lamellar, coarse granular, massive
cleavageperfect on [001], good [010]



Formula: Na3(Na,K)[AlSiO4]4

Nepheline is commonly confused with quartz. However, nepheline has a lower hardness and an often greasy luster.

nepheline - Morocco
Nepheline crystals on a schorlomite (garnet) matrix, Bou-Agrao Mt., High Atlas Mts, Khenifra Province, Morocco, 2.8 x 2.8 x 2.1 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, mineralauctions.com. Used with permission.
Mineral propertyNepheline characteristics
colorcolorless, white, gray, yellowish; variously colored by impurities
lustervitreous to greasy
diaphaneitytransparent to nearly opaque
density2.55-2.66 g/cm3
crystal systemhexagonal
crystal morphologystout six or twelve-sided prisms, typically poorly formed; granular, compact, massive

Formula: Na6Ca2[(AlSiO4)6]·S

Lazurite has an extraordinary deep blue color, which makes it easily distinguishable from blue phyllosilicates. However, lazulite (a phosphate mineral) and azurite (a carbonate mineral) can be confused with lazurite. However, lazurite is harder than azurite. Mineral paragenesis can help distinguish lazurite, because it usually occurs with pyrite. Azurite often occurs with malachite.

lazurite - Afghanistan
Lazurite crystal on a marble matrix, Lapis Mine, Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha, Badakhshan, Afghanistan, 2.3 x 2.2 x 2.1 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
Mineral propertyLazuritecharacteristics
colordeep blue, azure, violet-blue, greenish blue
diaphaneitytranslucent to opaque
streakbright blue
density2.38-2.45 g/cm3
crystal systemcubic
crystal morphologyin dodecahedra, or more rarely cubes; granular, disseminated, or massive
paragenesiswith pyrite


Formula: Na4[AlSi3O8]3Cl - Ca4[Al2Si2O8]CO3

Scapolites can be confused with a number of minerals, including quartz (amethyst and citrine), spodumene, and fluorite. However, scapolite is softer than quartz and spodumene. In scapolite, striation occurs along the direction of crystal elongation, while in quartz, it occurs perpendicular to the direction of elongation. Scapolite is also more reactive to ultraviolet (UV) light than quartz.

scapolite - Afghanistan
Scapolite crystal, Darra-i-Pech Pegmatite Field, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, 2.8 x 2.6 x 1.9 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.
Mineral propertyScapolite characteristics
colorcolorless, white, grey;pink, violet, blue, yellow, brown, orange-brown
lustervitreous, pearly, resinous
diaphaneitytransparent to opaque
densityMarialite: 2.50-2.62 g/cm3; Meionite: 2.74-2.78 g/cm3
crystal systemtetragonal
crystal morphologyprismatic, typically with flatpyramidal terminations, striated;granular, massive
cleavagedistinct [100] and [110]
luminescencecommonly fluoresces orange to bright yellow or red under LW or SW UV, or both


Formula: Na2[Al2Si3O10]·2H2O

A member of the zeolite family, natrolite can be identified due to its combination of white color and long, prismatic, acicular crystal form. These acicular crystals commonly combine into radiating, fibrous aggregates and spherical clusters. Natrolite makes a brittle mineral specimen, and these thin crystals can be damaged easily.

natrolite crystals
Natrolite crystals, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyNatrolite characteristics
colorcolorless, white, gray, blueish, yellowish, pink
lustervitreous to pearly
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density2.20-2.26 g/cm3
crystal systemorthorhombic, pseudotetragonal
crystal morphologycrystals short to long prismatic;in stellate or interlacing groups;also radiating fibrous, granular, or compact, massive
cleavageperfect on [110]
luminescencecommonly fluoresces orange to yellow under UV

References for Phyllosilicates and Tectosilicates

  • Anthony, J. W., Bideaux, R. A., Bladh, K. W., & Nichols, M C. (2001). Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, USA. http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/.
  • Bailey, S. W. (1980). Summary of recommendations of AIPEA nomenclature committee. Clay Minerals, 15(1), 85-93. link
  • Brown, W. L., & Parsons, I. (1989). Alkali feldspars: ordering rates, phase transformations and behaviour diagrams for igneous rocks. Mineralogical Magazine, 53(369), 25-42. link
  • Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., & Zussman, J. (2013). An introduction to the rock-forming minerals. Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
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Olena Rybnikova, PhD

Olena Rybnikova is a gemologist and mineralogist. She has a PhD in mineralogy and petrology specializing in beryllium minerals and is a certified Applied Jewelry Professional accredited by the Gemological Institute of America. Her passion is actively promoting knowledge and appreciation of nature, geology, and gemstones.

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