Mineralogy of Cyclosilicates and InosilicatesMineralogy of Cyclosilicates and Inosilicates

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Mineralogy of Cyclosilicates and Inosilicates

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In this article, we will discuss cyclosilicates and inosilicates. These two silicate subclasses include such well-known minerals as beryls, tourmalines, pyroxenes, and amphiboles.
The Medusa - emerald cluster - Zambia - cyclosilicates
"The Medusa," a cluster of emerald (beryl) crystals discovered in Zambia in 2014, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Crystal Chemistry of Cyclosilicates and Inosilicates

Cyclosilicates and inosilicates are two subclasses of silicate minerals. They include numerous mineral groups and important mineral species. The cyclosilicates most familiar to gemologists are beryls and the tourmaline supergroup. Inosilicates are subdivided into single-chain silicates, which includes the pyroxene supergroup, and double-chain silicates, which includes the amphibole minerals. The gem material gemologists call jade actually includes both pyroxene (jadeite) and amphibole (nephrite) members.

Introduction to Cyclosilicates

Cyclosilicate units form by joining three, four, or six SiO4 tetrahedrons into closed rings.

  • Three joined tetrahedrons create a three-member ring with a [Si3O9]6- structural unit.
  • Four joined tetrahedrons create a four-member ring with a [Si4O12]8- structural unit.
  • Six joined tetrahedrons create a six-member ring with a [Si6O18]12- structural unit. Six-member rings are the most common type of cyclosilicates.

Benitoite (BaTi[Si3O9]), the rare state gem of California, is an example of a three-member cyclosilicate.

benitoite - California - cyclosilicates
Benitoite crystals, California State Gem Mine, Santa Rita Peak, San Benito Co., California, USA, 4.5 x 3.8 x 3.5 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.

The rare mineral papagoite (Ca2Cu2Al2[Si4O12](OH)6) is an example of a four-member cyclosilicate.

papagoite - Arizona - cyclosilicates
Papagoite druzy crystals on matrix, New Cornelia Mine (Ajo Mine), Ajo, Little Ajo Mts, Ajo District, Pima Co., Arizona, USA, 3.3 x 2.0 x 1.2 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.

Beryl is an iconic example of a six-member cyclosilicate. This mineral's inner structure is even visible in its hexagonal prismatic crystal habit.

aquamarines (beryl) - cyclosilicates
Aquamarine (beryl) crystals on matrix, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Tourmaline Supergroup

Tourmaline is not a single mineral species but rather a name given to a group of minerals. This group includes many different mineral species, with elbaite and fluor-liddicoatite being the most common ones. These minerals are known for occurring in a variety of colors with high transparency. These qualities make tourmalines well-suited for use as gemstones.

tourmalines - cyclosilicates
Tourmalines, various species, on display at the Museum of Natural History, Vienna, Austria. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

The general formula for tourmaline minerals can be written as:


X, Y, Z, T, V, and W are sites that can be occupied by different elements.

According to Hawthorne and Henry (1999), they are:

X = Ca2+, Na+, K+, ⃞ (vacant site)

Y = Li+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Al3+, Cr3+, V3+, Fe3+, (Ti4+)

Z = Mg2+, Al3+, Fe3+, V3+, Cr3+

T = Si4+, Al3+, (B3+)

B = B3+, (⃞)

V = OH, O

W = OH, F, O

Si-Al Substitution: Aluminum Coordination

You may wonder why there is a T site that stands for silicon and aluminum and not just the silicate-making [Si6O18]12- units we would expect to see.

Aluminum's atomic radius is very similar to silicon's radius, so Al can easily substitute for Si in silicon tetrahedra, creating some aluminum tetrahedra. This is known as aluminum in [4]-coordination, meaning Al can be linked to four oxygen atoms. You may also see this written as Al[4]. (A number in square brackets means coordination, not charge).

Aluminum can also occur in [6]-coordination and can be linked to six oxygen atoms, creating octahedral units. This aluminum can substitute for cations like Mg and Fe. This important crystal-chemical principle complicates silicate structure and gives us more diverse minerals.

Possible Substitutions

A wide range of possible substitutions leads to highly variable chemical compositions for tourmaline. The following subgroups are distinguished based on the dominant cation in the X position:

  • Alkali tourmalines
  • Calcic tourmalines
  • X-site vacant tourmalines

The primary tourmaline groups can be described based on the occupancy of the X site. For example, Henry D. et al. (2011) provide a modern list of tourmaline supergroup species divided into these three subgroups:

Alkali Subgroup Tourmalines
ElbaiteNaLi1+1.5 Al3+1.5Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)3F
Calcic Subgroup Tourmalines
Vacant Subgroup Tourmalines
Identifying Tourmaline Species

Only advanced chemical analysis can identify the species of a specific tourmaline. Do not confuse varietal names of tourmalines like rubellite or indicolite with mineral species. Varietal names are just color-based tourmaline names. They don't correspond to any differences in crystal or chemical composition.

Introduction to Inosilicates

When SiO4 tetrahedra combine into infinite chains without forming cycles or rings, inosilicates are formed. (They are sometimes called "chain silicates"). Inosilicates are subdivided into single chains with [Si2O6]4- structural units and double chains with [Si4O11]6- structural units. (You can visualize double chains as two connected chains).

Pyroxenes and Amphiboles

Pyroxenes and amphiboles are two important rock-forming mineral groups in the inosilicate subclass. These two groups share many crystallographic, physical, and chemical properties. Most of the minerals in these groups have monoclinic symmetry and similar cations. However, amphiboles have additional (OH) anions. Pyroxenes and amphiboles have very similar colors, luster, and hardness. Most pyroxenes have dark brown and green — almost black — colors. Because of additional (OH) anions, amphiboles have lower densities and refractive indices. Pyroxene crystals are short and prismatic, while amphibole crystals are more elongated, columnar, needle-like, or even fibrous.

Pyroxenes crystalize under higher temperatures, forming during the early stages of magma cooling. When water is present in magma, at lower temperatures, pyroxenes can interact with water molecules, which forms amphiboles. Pyroxenes and amphiboles are excellent indicators of pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions. During prograde metamorphism (temperature gradually rising), amphiboles can change into pyroxenes by losing water. Under retrograde metamorphism (temperature slowly decreasing), pyroxenes can change into amphiboles by gaining (OH) anions.

Distinguishing Pyroxenes and Amphiboles

The angles between cleavage planes mark an essential difference between pyroxenes and amphiboles. Pyroxenes have cleavage planes intersecting at 87° and 93° angles; amphiboles have cleavage planes intersecting at 56° and 124° angles. These features are usually visible only under a microscope. However, in some cases, these features may be visible to the naked eye in large, well-formed crystals.

Single Chain Inosilicates

Single chain inosilicates include the pyroxene supergroup minerals. Similarly to tourmaline or garnet, pyroxene is not the name of a single mineral species. Instead, it is the name of a very large group of mineral species with the same or very similar crystal structure and varying chemical compositions.

Pyroxene Supergroup

A general formula for pyroxenes is the following:


with positions:

X = Na+, Ca2+, Fe2+, Mg2+, Mn2+

Y = Fe2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Cr3+, V3+, Ti4+,

T = essentially Si4+, partly also Al3+

Pyroxenes are also solid solutions that form different series, such as:

  • Mg-Fe pyroxene series (enstatite-ferrosilite)
  • Mn-Mg pyroxene
  • Ca pyroxene series (diopside-hedenbergite series)
  • Na pyroxene series (jadeite-aegirine series)
  • Li pyroxene

Morimoto, N. (1988) has provided a modern list of pyroxene end-member mineral species. The following table simplifies that list:

Mg-Fe Pyroxene Series
Mn-Mg Pyroxene
Ca Pyroxene Series (Diopside-Hedenbergite Series)
Na Pyroxenes
Ca-Na Pyroxenes
Omphacitejadeite-augite solid solution

Aegirine augiteaegirine augite solid solution

Li Pyroxene
Pyroxenoid Group

Sometimes, the SiO4 tetrahedra are rotated within the chain. This creates a slightly distorted chain. Some minerals with distorted chains are classified as pyroxenoids. The chemical formula for pyroxenoids is written the following way:

M[SiO3] or a multiple of it (where M site stands for Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn)

The most common pyroxenoid minerals are wollastonite (Ca3[Si3O9]), rhodonite ((Mn,Ca,Fe)5[Si5O15]), pyroxferroite ((Ca,Fe)(Fe,Mn)6[Si7O21]), and pectolite (NaCa2[Si3O8](OH)).

Double Chain Inosilicates

When two chains of SiO4 tetrahedra connect on one side, they create a double chain. Amphiboles are examples of double chain inosilicates. The chemical composition of amphiboles is written the following way:


The following cations may occupy various sites in the amphibole structure:

A = Na+, more rarely K+, ⃞ (vacant site)

B = Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Mn2+

C = Mg2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Al3+, Fe3+, Ti4+

T = Si4+, Al3+

The cations in amphiboles are mostly the same as in pyroxenes, except for the presence of (OH) as additional anions.

Amphibole nomenclature is extremely complicated. They are subdivided into:

  • Mg-Fe-Mn-Li amphiboles
  • Ca amphiboles
  • Na-Ca amphiboles
  • Na amphiboles

Leake et al. (1997) have provided a modern list of amphibole end-member mineral species. The following table simplifies that list:

Mg-Fe-Mn-Li Amphiboles
Ca Amphiboles
Na-Ca Amphiboles
Na Amphiboles

Diagnostic Characteristics of Cyclosilicates and Inosilicates

Below, you'll find diagnostic characteristics to differentiate and identify some of the most common cyclosilicates and inosilicates. Included here are some of the most ubiquitous and economically significant members. We emphasize how to differentiate them from minerals with very similar appearances. The best diagnostic characteristics are highlighted in bold.

Some properties that cyclosilicates, inosilicates, and other silicates share are their elevated hardness (generally more than 5), vitreous luster, high transparency, and white streak.


Structural unit: [Si6O18]12-


Formula: Be3Al2[Si6O18]

Beryl has numerous colored varieties like aquamarine, emerald, heliodor, morganite, and goshenite. Therefore, color is not a diagnostic feature of beryl. However, a hexagonal prismatic habit is very characteristic of beryl crystals and allows us to distinguish beryl from topaz, tourmaline, quartz, and numerous other silicates. Apatite also has a hexagonal crystal habit, but beryl has a greater hardness (7.5-8) than apatite (5). Beryl also has weak pleochroism, although it is hard to observe in pale crystals.

emeralds - cyclosilicates
Emerald crystals with the hexagonal crystal structure characteristic of beryls, on display at the Museum of Natural History, Vienna, Austria. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyBeryl characteristics
colorсolorless, white, pale blue to sky-blue, blueish green through green to greenish yellow or yellow, rose to peach, deep pink to raspberry-red; may be zoned
lustervitreous, resinous
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density2.6-3.0 g/cm3
crystal systemhexagonal
crystal morphologycrystals prismatic to tabular may be complexly terminated by pyramids; radial, trapiche, columnar; granular to compact
pleochroismweak to distinct: X = colorless, yellowish green, light blue, yellowish red; Y = sea-green, blue, purplish red

Elbaite (Tourmaline)

Elbaite formula: Na(Al,Li)3Al6(BO3)3[Si6O18](OH)4

All members of the tourmaline supergroup share the same crystal system and morphology but have slightly different chemical compositions. Consequently, tourmalines occur in a variety of colors. Most gem-quality tourmalines are of the elbaite and fluor-liddicoatite species.

tourmaline crystals and faceted gems - cyclosilicates
Tourmaline crystals and faceted gems. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Tourmalines typically have ditrigonal prism crystal forms. A cross-section of a tourmaline crystal usually looks like a rounded triangle. Another characteristic feature of tourmaline is color zoning. Both elbaites and fluor-liddicoatites commonly show zoning. Color zoning occurs either parallel to crystal elongation or from the crystal core to the rim. Tourmalines also show vertical striations on their crystal faces.

tourmaline striations - cyclosilicates
Tourmaline crystal with vertical striations (parallel to its crystal elongation). Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Tourmaline's moderate to strong pleochroism may also help with identification, especially if you are dealing with faceted gemstones or crystals lacking well-defined crystallographic features.

Mineral propertyElbaite characteristics
colorgreen, blue, red, orange, yellow, colorless, zoning common parallel to trigonal outline
lustervitreous to resinous
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density2.9-3.1 g/cm3
crystal systemhexagonal
crystal morphologycrystals prismatic to acicular, with prominent trigonal prism and pyramid, commonly hemimorphic, vertically striated; radial, fibrous, and massive
pleochroismmoderate to strong: X = pink, pale green, pale to deep blue; Y = colorless, yellow, olive-green, purplish

Inosilicates (Single Chain)

Structural unit: [Si2O6]4-



Formula: Mg2[Si2O6] - Fe2+2[Si2O6]

Pyroxenes usually occur as short, prismatic crystals. Distinguishing between series end-members requires advanced mineralogical testing. Enstatite generally forms as brown, semi-transparent, short, prismatic crystals, while ferrosilite is usually black because of Fe prevalence.

enstatite - Tanzania
Enstatite crystal, Morogoro Region, Tanzania, 2.8 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.

Keep in mind that cleavage can help distinguish pyroxenes from similar-looking amphiboles. Pyroxene cleavage planes intersect at 87° and 93°. In contrast, amphibole cleavage planes intersect at 56° and 124°.

Mineral propertyEnstatite-Ferrosilitecharacteristics
colorEnstatite: white, grayish, yellowish, greenish, olive-green, brown; Ferrosilite: green, dark brown
lusterEnstatite: vitreous to pearly on cleavages
diaphaneityEnstatite: translucent to opaque; Ferrosilite: semi-transparent
streakwhite to grayish
densityEnstatite: 3.2-3.9 g/cm3; Ferrosilite: 3.96 g/cm3
crystal systemorthorhombic
crystal morphologyEnstatite: crystals prismatic, commonly lamellar, fibrous, or massive; Ferrosilite: coarse anhedral to subhedral grains, up to 5 mm
cleavagegood on [210]

Formula: CaMg[Si2O6] - CaFe2+[Si2O6]

The diopside-hedenbergite series belongs to the pyroxene group. Diopside is more well-known than hedenbergite because it can occur in vibrant green colors and may be used as a gemstone. In contrast, hedenbergite occurs in darker colors with lower luster and transparency because of the presence of Fe.

diopside crystals
Diopside crystals, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Like other pyroxenes, their cleavage planes intersect at 87° and 93° angles.

Mineral propertyDiopside-Hedenbergitecharacteristics
colorDiopside: colorless, white, yellow, pale to dark green, black; Hedenbergite: black, dark green, green-brown
lustervitreous or dull
diaphaneitytransparent to opaque
streakwhite, gray, gray-green
densityDiopside: 3.2-3.4 g/cm3; Hedenbergite: 3.56 g/cm3
crystal systemmonoclinic
crystal morphologyDiopside: prismatic crystals with nearly square cross sections; granular, columnar, lamellar massive; Hedenbergite: as short prismatic crystals; columnar or acicular aggregates; granular, lamellar, massive
cleavagegood on [110],87° and 93°

Formula: NaAl[Si2O6]

Jadeite is often found in massive aggregates rather than crystals. This aggregated form is the one most coveted by artisans and connoisseurs. In fact, jadeite crystals are typically too small to be seen with the naked eye. Jadeite occurs in various colors, from green to white and occasionally lavender. A diagnostic feature of jadeite is its splintery fracture, which sets it apart from most other silicates that have conchoidal fractures.

lavender jadeite
Lavender jadeite, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.

Jadeite and nephrite are popularly grouped together as the material known as "jade." However, gemologists and mineralogists can distinguish between the two types of jade. Pyroxene jadeite is usually the most expensive type of jade. Nephrite, which belongs the tremolite-ferro-actinolite series of amphiboles, usually costs less than jadeite.

Mineral propertyJadeite characteristics
colorapple-green, imperial-green, blueish green, leek-green, greenish-white, white, may show green spots, rarely blue or violet
lustersubvitreous, pearly on cleavages
density3.2-3.4 g/cm3
crystal systemmonoclinic
crystal morphologycrystals rare, prismatic; commonly massive, or fibrous, granular, compact
cleavagegood on [110]
tenacityvery tough when massive

Formula: LiAl[Si2O6]

Spodumene can occur in gem quality. Its varieties are more commonly known under the trade names kunzite (pink-colored) and hiddenite (green-colored). Spodumenes usually occur as flattened and heavily striated crystals, show moderate to strong pleochroism, and luminesce under ultraviolet (UV) light.

Spodumene, kunzite variety - rough and cut
Spodumene (kunzite), rough and cut set. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertySpodumene characteristics
colorcolorless, greenish white, grayish white, yellowish green, emerald-green, yellow, pink, violet, can be bi-colored
lustervitreous, pearly on cleavage
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density3.0-3.2 g/cm3
crystal systemmonoclinic
crystal morphologycrystals prismatic, typically flattened and striated
cleavagegood on [110]
luminescence (reaction to UV)yellow, orange, or pink under LW and SW
pleochroismmoderate to strong: X = purple to green;Z = colorless



Formula: (Mn2+,Fe2+,Mg,Ca)[SiO3]

Rhodonite typically occurs in massive compact aggregates of rose-pink color. Rhodonite can be mistaken for rhodochrosite both for its name and appearance. However, rhodochrosite is a carbonate and far softer than silicate rhodochrosite.

rhodonite crystals
Rhodonite crystals, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyRhodonite characteristics
colorrose-pink to brownish red, gray, or yellow, exterior commonly black from manganese oxides
lustervitreous, somewhat pearly on cleavages
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density3.6-3.8 g/cm3
crystal systemtriclinic
crystal morphologycrystals rough, with rounded edges, typically tabular and elongated; commonly massive and compact
cleavageperfect on [110]
pleochroismweak: X = yellowish red; Y = pinkish red; Z = pale yellowish red

Formula: NaCa2[Si3O8](OH)

Pectolite is a type of pyroxenoid mineral characterized by its acicular and radiating fibrous aggregate structure. These formations are relatively fragile and should be handled carefully to avoid breakage. One of the most well-known varieties of pectolite is known by the trade name "Larimar," which is highly valued for its pleasing "blue lagoon" color and exciting patterns.

pectolite (Larimar) - Dominican Republic
Pectolite (Larimar) from the Dominican Republic. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyPectolite characteristics
colorcolorless, whitish, grayish, yellowish blue (Larimar variety)
lustersilky, subvitreous
diaphaneitytranslucent to opaque
density2.8-2.9 g/cm3
crystal systemtriclinic
crystal morphologycrystals may be tabular, but commonly acicular;radiating fibrous, spheroidal, or columnar; fine-grained, massive
cleavageperfect on [100] and [001]
luminescencemay be triboluminescent

Inosilicates (Double Chain)

Structural unit: [Si4O11]6-


Formula: Ca2Mg5[Si8O22](OH)2 - Ca2Fe2+5[Si8O22](OH)2

This amphibole series, consisting of small crystal clusters, can produce highly valued nephrite jade. Nephrite is known for its exceptional toughness. Distinguishing between nephrite and jadeite by appearance alone is impossible. However, nephrite commonly contains black inclusions.

actinolite crystals and nephrite slab
Actinolite crystals in marble matrix and a polished slab of nephrite, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyTremolite-Ferro-Actinolite characteristics
colorTremolite: white, gray, lavender to pink; Ferro-Actinolite: bright green to grayish green
lusterTremolite: vitreous; Ferro-Actinolite: vitreous, silky
diaphaneitytransparent to translucent
density2.99-3.03 g/cm3
crystal systemmonoclinic
crystal morphologyTremolite: elongated, stout prismatic, or flattened bladed crystals; fibrous, granular or columnar aggregates; Ferro-Actinolite: as bladed crystals; columnar, may be kinked or bent; radiating fibrous to asbestiform; granular to massive
cleavageperfect on [110], intersecting at 56o and 124o


Formula: Ca2(Mg4(Al,Fe))[Si7AlO22](OH)2.

Hornblende is a term used to refer to all Ca-amphiboles. Ca-amphiboles share similar properties, making it impossible to distinguish them without a chemical analysis. The table below describes the features of magnesio-hornblende, a common Ca-amphibole mineral.

Hornblende crystals, on display at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. Photo © International Gem Society/Olena Rybnikova, PhD.
Mineral propertyMagnesio-hornblende characteristics
colorgreen to dark green
density3.1 g/cm3
crystal systemmonoclinic
crystal morphologybladed to prismatic crystals
cleavagegood on [110], intersecting at ~56° and ~124°

References for Cyclosilicates and Inosilicates

  • Anthony, J. W., Bideaux, R. A., Bladh, K. W., & Nichols, M C. (2001). Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, USA. http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/.
  • Ertl, A., Giester, G., Schüssler, U., Brätz, H., Okrusch, M., Tillmanns, E., & Bank, H. (2013). Cu-and Mn-bearing tourmalines from Brazil and Mozambique: crystal structures, chemistry and correlations. Mineralogy and Petrology, 107, 265-279.
  • Hawthorne FC, Dirlam DM (2011) Tourmaline the indicator mineral: From atomic arrangement to Viking navigation. Elements 7:307-312 link
  • Henn, U., Bank, H., Bank, F. H., Von Platen, H., & Hofmeister, W. (1990). Transparent bright blue Cu-bearing tourmalines from Paraíba, Brazil. Mineralogical Magazine, 54(377), 553-557. link
  • Henry, D. J., Novák, M., Hawthorne, F. C., Ertl, A., Dutrow, B. L., Uher, P., & Pezzotta, F. (2011). Nomenclature of the tourmaline-supergroup minerals. American Mineralogist, 96(5-6), 895-913. link
  • Klein, C., & Dutrow, B. (2007). Manual of mineral science. John Wiley & Sons, 704 p.
  • Leake, B. E., Woolley, A. R., Arps, C. E., Birch, W. D., Gilbert, M. C., Grice, J. D., … & Youzhi, G. (1997). Nomenclature of amphiboles; report of the subcommittee on amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association, Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names. The Canadian Mineralogist, 35(1), 219-246. link
  • Morimoto, N. (1988). Nomenclature of Pyroxenes. Mineralogy and Petrology, 39(1), 55-76. link
  • Okrusch, M. & Frimmel, H. E. (2020). Mineralogy: An introduction to minerals, rocks, and mineral deposits. Springer Nature, 719 p. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-57316-7
  • Papike, J. J. (1987). Chemistry of the rock‐forming silicates: Ortho, ring, and single‐chain structures. Reviews of Geophysics, 25(7), 1483-1526. link
  • Strunz, H., & Nickel, E. H .(2001). Strunz mineralogical tables. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. 869 p.

Olena Rybnikova, PhD

Olena Rybnikova is a gemologist and mineralogist. She has a PhD in mineralogy and petrology specializing in beryllium minerals and is a certified Applied Jewelry Professional accredited by the Gemological Institute of America. Her passion is actively promoting knowledge and appreciation of nature, geology, and gemstones.

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