Specific Gravity Values of Selected Gems
Measuring specific gravity helps gemologists identify gemstones. The following table lists the specific gravity values for a variety of gem materials.
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Table of Specific Gravity Values
Gemstone | Density |
Gold | 15.50-19.30 |
Thorianite | 9.70-9.80 |
Silver | 9.60-12.00 |
Algondonite | 8.38 |
Bismutotantalite | 8.15-8.89 |
Cinnabar | 8.00-8.20 |
Stolzite | 7.90-8.34 |
Niccolite | 7.78 |
Manganotantalite | 7.73-7.97 |
Melonite | 7.72 |
Breithauptite | 7.59-8.23 |
Stibiotantalite | 7.53 |
Mimetite | 7.24 |
Huebnerite | 7.12-7.18 |
Wolframite | 7.10-7.60 |
Gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG)* | 7.00-7.09 |
Cassiterite | 6.70-7.10 |
Wulfenite | 6.50-7.00 |
Vanadinite | 6.50-7.10 |
Cerussite | 6.46-6.57 |
Cobaltite | 6.33 |
Anglesite | 6.30-6.39 |
Phosgenite | 6.13 |
Simpsonite | 5.92-6.84 |
Scheelite | 5.90-6.30 |
Crocoite | 5.90-6.10 |
Cuprite | 5.85-6.15 |
Pyrargyrite | 5.85 |
Yttrotantalite | 5.70 |
Zincite | 5.66 |
Proustite | 5.51-5.64 |
Descloizite | 5.50-6.20 |
Chalcosite | 5.50-5.80 |
Cubic zirconia (CZ)* | 5.50-6.00 |
Millerite | 5.50 |
Fergusonite | 5.35-5.44 |
Euxenite | 5.30-5.90 |
Linarite | 5.30 |
Senarmontite | 5.20-5.50 |
Magnetite | 5.20 |
Aeschynite | 5.19 |
Tantalite | 5.18-8.20 |
Hematite | 5.12-5.28 |
Fabulite (Tausonite) | 5.11-5.15 |
Bornite | 5.06-5.08 |
Boleite | 5.05 |
Samarskite | 5.00-5.69 |
Pyrite | 5.00-5.20 |
Monazite | 4.98-5.43 |
Bixbyite** | 4.93 |
Marcasite | 4.83-4.92 |
Greenockite | 4.73-4.79 |
Psilomelane (Manganese oxide) | 4.70-4.74 |
Linobate (Lithium niobate)* | 4.64-4.66 |
Pentlandite | 4.60-5.00 |
Covellite | 4.60-4.76 |
Yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG)* | 4.55-4.65 |
Ilmenite | 4.50-5.00 |
Pyrolusite | 4.50-5.00 |
Chromite | 4.50-4.80 |
Davidite | 4.50 |
Barite | 4.43-4.46 |
Magnesiochromite | 4.39-4.67 |
Bayldonite | 4.35 |
Parisite | 4.33-4.42 |
Microlite | 4.30-5.70 |
Adamite | 4.30-4.68 |
Witherite | 4.27-4.79 |
Galaxite | 4.23 |
Powellite | 4.23 |
Rutile | 4.20-4.30 |
Spessartite garnet | 4.12-4.18 |
Shattuckite | 4.11 |
Chalcopyrite | 4.10-4.30 |
Wurtzite | 4.09 |
Brookite | 4.08-4.18 |
Hancockite | 4.03 |
Painite | 4.01 |
Gadolinite | 4.00-4.65 |
Smithsonite | 4.00-4.65 |
Gahnite | 4.00-4.62 |
Legrandite | 3.98-4.04 |
Ruby | 3.97-4.05 |
Celestite | 3.97-4.00 |
Libethenite | 3.97 |
Ferrosilite | 3.96 |
Sapphire | 3.95-4.03 |
Durangite | 3.94-4.07 |
Zircon | 3.93-4.73 |
Almandine garnet | 3.93-4.30 |
Hodgkinsonite | 3.91-3.99 |
Sphalerite | 3.90-4.10 |
Willemite | 3.89-4.18 |
Tephroite | 3.87-4.12 |
Siderite | 3.83-3.96 |
Anatase | 3.82-3.97 |
Goethite | 3.80-4.30 |
Gaspéite | 3.71 |
Andradite garnet | 3.70-4.10 |
Azurite | 3.70-3.90 |
Periclase | 3.70-3.90 |
Chrysoberyl (Cat's eye, Alexandrite) | 3.70-3.78 |
Schorlomite*** | 3.69-3.88 |
Barytocalcite | 3.66 |
Staurolite | 3.65-3.77 |
Benitoite | 3.64-3.68 |
Strontianite | 3.63-3.79 |
Pyrope garnet | 3.62-3.87 |
Pyroxmangite | 3.61-3.80 |
Holtite | 3.60-3.90 |
Taafeite | 3.60-3.62 |
Grossular garnet | 3.56-3.73 |
Realgar | 3.56 |
Spinel | 3.54-3.63 |
Kyanite | 3.53-3.70 |
Nambulite | 3.53 |
Sphene (Titanite) | 3.52-3.54 |
Allanite | 3.50-4.20 |
Aegirine | 3.50-3.60 |
Hedenbergite | 3.50-3.56 |
Diamond | 3.50-3.53 |
Topaz | 3.49-3.57 |
Chambersite | 3.49 |
Sinhalite | 3.46-3.50 |
Rhodochrosite | 3.45-3.70 |
Piedmontite | 3.45-3.52 |
Euchroite | 3.44 |
Rhodizite | 3.44 |
Serendibite | 3.42-3.52 |
Uvarovite garnet | 3.41-3.52 |
Rhodonite | 3.40-3.74 |
Lithiophilite | 3.40-3.60 |
Sapphirine | 3.40-3.58 |
Aegirine-augite | 3.40-3.55 |
Hypersthene | 3.40-3.50 |
Chromdravite | 3.40 |
Scorzalite | 3.38 |
Tinzenite | 3.36-3.43 |
Tanzanite | 3.35 |
Triphylite | 3.34-3.58 |
Dickinsonite | 3.34-3.41 |
Idocrase (Vesuvianite) | 3.32-3.47 |
Bustamite | 3.32-3.42 |
Serandite | 3.32 |
Manganaxinite | 3.31 |
Epidote | 3.30-3.50 |
Hemimorphite | 3.30-3.50 |
Diaspore | 3.30-3.39 |
Jadeite | 3.30-3.38 |
Peridot | 3.28-4.39 |
Dioptase | 3.28-3.35 |
Ekanite | 3.28-3.32 |
Jeremejevite | 3.28-3.31 |
Parascorodite | 3.28-3.29 |
Forsterite | 3.28 |
Kornerupine | 3.27-3.45 |
Dumortierite | 3.26-3.41 |
Axinite | 3.26-3.36 |
Povondraite | 3.28 |
Malachite | 3.25-4.10 |
Ferroaxinite | 3.25-4.10 |
Papagoite | 3.25 |
Smaragdite | 3.24-3.50 |
Sillimanite | 3.23-3.27 |
Diopside | 3.22-3.38 |
Väyrynenite | 3.22 |
Weloganite | 3.22 |
Clinozoisite | 3.21-3.28 |
Helvite | 3.20-3.44 |
Purpurite | 3.20-3.40 |
Humite | 3.20-3.32 |
Enstatite | 3.20-3.30 |
Neptunite | 3.19-3.23 |
Clinoenstatite | 3.19 |
Rinkite | 3.18-3.44 |
Pumpellyite | 3.18-3.33 |
Magnesioaxinite | 3.18 |
Norbergite | 3.18 |
Chlorapatite | 3.17-3.18 |
Chondrodite | 3.16-3.26 |
Apatite | 3.16-3.23 |
Strass | 3.15-4.20 |
Zoisite (non-Tanzanite) | 3.15-3.36 |
Spodumene (Hiddenite, Kunzite) | 3.15-3.21 |
Hureaulite | 3.15-3.19 |
Sellaite | 3.15 |
Clinohumite | 3.13-3.75 |
Fluorapatite | 3.10-3.25 |
Moissanite (Carborundum)* | 3.10-3.22 |
Ludlamite | 3.10-3.20 |
Euclase | 3.10 |
Lawsonite | 3.08-3.09 |
Phosphophyllite | 3.07-3.13 |
Friedelite | 3.06-3.19 |
Andalusite | 3.05-3.20 |
Eosphorite | 3.05-3.08 |
Pargasite | 3.04-3.17 |
Lazulite | 3.04-3.14 |
Actinolite | 3.03-3.44 |
Spurrite | 3.02 |
Amblygonite | 3.01-3.11 |
Fluorite | 3.00-3.25 |
Meliphanite | 3.00-3.03 |
Leucophanite | 3.00 |
Schlossmacherite | 3.00 |
Chiolite | 2.99-3.01 |
Montebrasite | 2.98-3.11 |
Brazilianite | 2.98-2.99 |
Richterite | 2.97-3.45 |
Danburite | 2.97-3.03 |
Ankerite | 2.97 |
Cryolite | 2.97 |
Magnesite | 2.96-3.12 |
Tremolite | 2.95-3.07 |
Herderite | 2.95-3.02 |
Phenakite | 2.95-2.97 |
Boracite | 2.95-2.96 |
Aragonite | 2.94 |
Vlasovite | 2.92-2.96 |
Sarcolite | 2.91-2.96 |
Hornblende | 2.90-3.40 |
Nephrite | 2.90-3.03 |
Datolite | 2.90-3.00 |
Anhydrite | 2.90-2.98 |
Prosopite | 2.88-2.89 |
Hurlbutite | 2.88 |
Zunyite | 2.87 |
Wollastonite | 2.86-3.09 |
Grandidierite | 2.85-3.00 |
Pollucite | 2.85-2.94 |
Langbeinite | 2.83 |
Tourmaline | 2.82-3.90 |
Prehnite | 2.82-2.94 |
Wardite | 2.81-2.87 |
Dolomite | 2.80-2.95 |
Lepidolite | 2.80-2.90 |
Beryllonite | 2.80-2.87 |
Zektzerite | 2.79 |
Muscovite | 2.78-2.88 |
Sogdianite | 2.76-2.90 |
Sugilite | 2.76-2.80 |
Sekaninaite | 2.76-2.77 |
Ammolite | 2.75-2.80 |
Eudialyte | 2.74-2.98 |
Pectolite (Larimar) | 2.74-2.88 |
Meionite | 2.74-2.78 |
Bytownite | 2.72-2.74 |
Catapleiite | 2.72 |
Creedite | 2.72 |
Xonotlite | 2.71-2.72 |
Canasite | 2.71 |
Ceruleite | 2.70-2.80 |
Augelite | 2.70-2.75 |
Calcite | 2.69-2.71 |
Aquamarine | 2.68-2.74 |
Emerald | 2.67-2.78 |
Precious Beryl**** | 2.66-2.87 |
Pyrophyllite | 2.65-2.90 |
Labradorite | 2.65-2.75 |
Andesine | 2.65-2.69 |
Quartz (Amethyst, Citrine, Prasiolite, Rock crystal, Rose quartz, Smoky quartz) | 2.65 |
Vivianite | 2.64-2.70 |
Aventurine | 2.64-2.69 |
Kämmererite | 2.64 |
Oligoclase | 2.62-2.67 |
Sunstone | 2.62-2.65 |
Pearl | 2.60-2.85 |
Coral | 2.60-2.70 |
Agate | 2.60-2.64 |
Schaurteite | 2.60 |
Peristerite | 2.59-2.68 |
Petrified wood | 2.58-2.91 |
Jasper | 2.58-2.91 |
Cordierite | 2.58-2.66 |
Chalcedony | 2.58-2.64 |
Chrysoprase | 2.58-2.64 |
Moss agate | 2.58-2.64 |
Tiger's eye | 2.58-2.64 |
Scapolite | 2.57-2.74 |
Anorthoclase | 2.75-2.60 |
Moonstone | 2.56-2.59 |
Amazonite | 2.56-2.58 |
Orthoclase | 2.56-2.58 |
Sanidine | 2.56-2.58 |
Talc | 2.55-2.80 |
Nepheline | 2.55-2.65 |
Lizardite | 2.55 |
Charoite | 2.54-2.78 |
Microcline | 2.54-2.57 |
Clinochrysotile | 2.53 |
Lapis lazuli | 2.50-3.00 |
Marialite | 2.50-2.62 |
Milarite | 2.46-2.61 |
Howlite | 2.45-2.58 |
Leucite | 2.45-2.50 |
Carletonite | 2.45 |
Serpentine | 2.44-2.62 |
Variscite | 2.42-2.58 |
Haüyne | 2.40-2.50 |
Colemanite | 2.40-2.42 |
Petalite | 2.40 |
Brucite | 2.39 |
Tugtupite | 2.36-2.57 |
Wavellite | 2.36 |
Obsidian (natural glass) | 2.35-2.60 |
Hambergite | 2.35 |
Moldavite (natural glass) | 2.32-2.38 |
Turquoise | 2.31-2.84 |
Apophyllite | 2.30-2.50 |
Thomsonite | 2.23-2.39 |
Analcime | 2.22-2.29 |
Palygorskite | 2.21 |
Cacoxenite | 2.20-2.60 |
Gypsum | 2.20-2.40 |
Zeolite (Natrolite, Mesolite, Scolecite) | 2.20-2.29 |
Whewellite | 2.19-2.25 |
Yugawaralite | 2.19-2.23 |
Stichtite | 2.16-2.18 |
Sodalite | 2.14-2.40 |
Mordenite | 2.12-2.15 |
Chabazite | 2.05-2.20 |
Sulfur | 2.05-2.08 |
Glass (artificial)* | 2.00-4.50 |
Chrysocolla | 2.00-2.40 |
Sepiolite | 2.00-2.10 |
Gaylussite | 1.99 |
Thaumasite | 1.91 |
Kurnakovite | 1.86 |
Sturmanite | 1.85 |
Inderite | 1.78-1.86 |
Ettringite | 1.77 |
Ulexite | 1.65-1.95 |
Mellite | 1.64 |
Opal***** | 1.25-2.23 |
Jet | 1.19-1.35 |
Amber | 1.05-1.09 |
* Lab-created gem material.
** This is not bixbite, the gemstone better known as red beryl.
*** Non-gem garnet species.
**** Non-aquamarine/non-emerald varieties of beryl.
***** Please note: the SG of highly porous gems like opals will increase during testing if they are left in water for too long, as they will absorb it. Measurements should be taken immediately.
International Gem Society
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